Tech Tools to Make Your Life Easier

Man holding tabletWe love technology! Whether it’s a gadget, a toy, or software (such as the best software for your downtown), we’re all in. We are early adopters, beta testers, and pretty much just tech geeks…and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Along the way we’ve found some great tools, so we wanted to share them with you. This is not intended to be a sales pitch or product endorsement, and none of the companies mentioned below have any affiliation with Maestro or Rokusek. These are merely programs we like that we believe could be beneficial for you, so we want to share that knowledge and let you decide for yourself.


This one you may have come across, but it is a great tool to help you schedule your meetings or conduct polls. Doodle is a free service that gives you the ability to present options and others can fill in their availability.

From the Doodle Website:

“Doodle radically simplifies the process of scheduling events, whether they’re board or team meetings, dinners with friends, reunions, weekend trips, or anything else.

This smart assistant saves time for millions of people worldwide, and in the end, it brings people together.

Doodle is free and doesn’t require registration by either the initiator or the participants of a meeting poll.”

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Signup Genius

Signup Genius is a tool we discovered a few years ago, and was instantly a tool that (as an Executive Director) I couldn’t live without. Signup Genius is another free service that is ideal for coordinating events with lots of volunteers in lots of positions/shifts. Signup Genius allows you to create the positions you need to fill based on position, time slot, etc. and then send one link to everyone you are trying to recruit. Volunteers can follow that link and select the time or times they are available to volunteer and signup for that spot. Once they do, that spot shows as taken and the next person to visit will see what is taken and what is still available. This means no more updating documents and resending to the masses to get all your shifts taken. It allows volunteers to signup on their schedule and eliminates a lot of time and headache for the organizer.

Check-in Easy

Check-in Easy is a paid service that can be very beneficial when you are running events. Whether it is an art festival, an annual dinner, or any event where people register and/or need a ticket to get in. Check-in easy eliminates the paper from your checkin process and allows you to utilize your tablet to check people in. Checkin Easy will also generate a ticket, and add-on features allow you to communicate to attendees via email or text message. This is a pay-as-you-go service so you are only charged for what you need as well, making it affordable for smaller events.

From the Check-in Easy website:

“Check In Easy streamlines and simplifies event check-in and management and significantly increases the speed of check-in. Our goal is to make the day of the event as simple and pain-free as possible. “

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